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| Eye's color | Group of blood | Sign of Zodiac | Day of week | Time of Day | Wedding anniversary |

Find the stone

                How to choose the best stone for you?

  •      The first and the most important condition of a  semi-precious stones choice is your sympathy. You should feel a sympathy to a stone, you should like it. It can be enough because the person frequently feels at a subconscious level, what semi-precious stone approaches him. But if you have a desire to make a choice more precisely, pass to the second condition to learn preliminary about properties of semi-precious stones.

  •      The second necessary condition is the proved choice using one (or several) existing techniquesThere are thousand of such techniques, many of them originate from an antiquity, others have been created today. On these pages we shall refer to some most interesting ways of a choice, and choice what method to prefer is up to you.

    • One of the most obvious ways of a choice is a search of the jewellery made harmoniously combined to external appearance of the person. It is accepted to choose stones for jewelry to match an eye color of the person. Such match creates external harmony of the person with his jewellry (more details>>>).

    • Not so long ago new method of a choice has appeared. This way based is based on compatibility the semi-precious stone with group of blood of the person. This method is based on research results of known scientist James Adamo where his interesting recommendations on color use are resulted depending on group of blood of the person (more details>>>).

    • There is well known method of the semi-precious stone choice depending on a sign of Zodiac under which the person was born. We result here more detailed calendar where semi-precious stone can be chosen not only on a sign of Zodiac (1 month), but also for each Zodiac decade (10 days) (more details>>>).

    • There is a technique of a stone choice depending on day of week which has coincided with date of a birth (more details>>>).

    • Other technique defines suitable semi-precious stone depending on time of day when the person  was born (more details>>>).

  • Also culture of stones donation to anothers exists. It was already spoken here about necessity of sympathy of the owner to the presented jewellery. Nevertheless, it is possible to take into account all above mentioned ways of a happy stone definition. But also, it's well-known, that the stones presented with love, carry a charge of positive energy and well influence on new owners.

    • At a choice of a gift for wedding anniversary address to this page. The names of wedding anniversaries are resulted here and there are rules of semi-precious stones choice for these dates (more details>>>). 

| Eye's color | Group of blood | Sign of Zodiac | Day of week | Time of Day | Wedding anniversary |

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