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English version

| Home page | About us | Jewelry | Cut-stones | For collectors | How does Studio-Shop work | How to buy finished jewellery | New jewellery order | Discount | Select your gem | FAQ | Guest book | Contacts | Russian version |

| Eye's color | Group of blood | Sign of Zodiac | Day of week | Time of Day | Wedding anniversary |

Choice of a gem according to group of blood             

  • Very favorable influence on people, having 0 (I) group  is rendered with stones of a warm part of a spectrum - from yellow - orange up to red and purple.

  • Stimulation of vital processes and cerebration influence of blue and green stones is recommended to people with group A (II). The same concerns to clothes, an interior of an apartment, etc.

  • Complex recommendations are offered for people with group B (III): red and orange stones - for stimulation of physiological and intellectual processes, blue and green - for calm of nervous system; violet stones cause the mood promoting memoirs and reflections.

  • People with group AB (IV) are very similar to those having group A (II) in power characteristics, therefore the recommendation for them are similar.

| Eye's color | Group of blood | Sign of Zodiac | Day of week | Time of Day | Wedding anniversary |

| Home page | About us | Jewelry | Cut-stones | For collectors | How does Studio-Shop work | How to buy finished jewellery | New jewellery order | Discount | Select your gem | FAQ | Guest book | Contacts | Russian version |

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